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Friday, August 13, 2010

Tips 'n' Tricks

This article begins assuming that you've a basic understanding of digital photography and camera. If you don't have any knowledge about digital photograph please "click here" to read my previous blog about basics of photography first before reading this article.


  • Shoot simple Objects
    Very often good photos are around you. Go shooting simple things with some experiment. You'll amazed to see what you can get

    Coloured Pencils,Out of Focus
    Simple Objects,Toys,Barbie Shoes,DollsCFL, Lamp photo,Light Bulb

  • The First Photo is photo of my colour pencils and focusing the distant garden instead of focusing the pencils. The Second is shoes of a barbie doll placed over hair of the same barbie doll. Third is evident but i find it really cool.choosing a right shutter speed only some parts are illuminated and the CFL looks like it's floating on air.

  • Don't always center the main subject
    Beginners often keep the main subjects in center esp in case of portraits. This is not always a good idea. It's often good idea to keep the subject on one side of the frame as given by Rule of thirds**. In case of potraits if the main subject is looking sideways it's almost always a good idea to give the room to the side subject is looking as shown in the examples given.
    Cute Girl,Sepia photo,Rule of Thirds in Potraits,MonochromeCute Baby,Sepia photo,Rule of Thirds in Potraits,Monochrome

    ** Turn on the Gridlines on your camera. The points where the vertical and horizontal lines meet are very important points. Try to keep the key interest in your photo in them. Also keep the main subject as a whole in aligned with the lines if you can. It's a basic rule, if you come up with something better, this rule is meant to be broken.
  • Keep looking for something to shoot
    when you're with your your camera look around carefully...many brilliant shots are just nearby. During travel,walk slowly and don't always remain with the group,look around and go for anything decent you could shoot.
    Butterfly in Flower,Nature,Exotic,Wild Flower and ButterflyArtistic barbed wire,Dewdrops,Freedom and hope
    I took the first photo on a group trip. The bus had to stop due to flat tire.While most people just sat around i looked a bit further and found THIS ! I found the second photo on the same trip while taking a stroll in a group.

  • Do not always rely on camera's automated system

    Cameras are really smart these days. However,they're machines after all. Understand what things the camera adjusts and play around with the settings using your imagination. Think about what would happen if u changed some settings ( like shutter speed or F-number) and if you think something cool will happen TRY IT. Some examples you might want to try.

    Silhouette on sunset,High Shutter Speed,Artistic Sunsets

    I shot the above photo at speed of 1/800 seconds when the camera wanted to shoot it at 1/250 second shutter speed.I'm sure you know the image would have looked much brighter if I had shot at 1/250 seconds exposure.
    Another example is the coloured pencils shot above. Camera's autofocus system would NEVER have put the pencils out of focus.
    Almost all the pictures in Tricks section to follow were shot overriding the camera setting in one way or the other. CHECK THEM OUT !!

  • Unfreezing the motion
    While you can find many applications of freezing the motion by use of faster shutter speed.But there can be some fantastic results with the reverse....using a slower shutter speed.
    But to use a slow shutter speed on conditions with good lighting can be challenging as the image are TOO BRIGHT. But wait, there is another thing to control light...The Aperture..Choose small Aperture and slowest shutter speed to shoot at lower shutter speeds.Here are some examples of what you might do with this

    CockFight,Blur Effect,Unfreezing the Motion,Cool Photo CockfightBlurred motion Bus,Moving Bus,Window bus
    The First one is a shot of cockfight. The unfrozen motion gives sense of fierce and speedy battle. The second one is more cool the bus is not blurred neither is the hand of my friend but the road and the trees are unrecognizable giving the sense of speed

  • Trailing light/Night potrait
    It's sometimes cool to have a trail of light as shown below. This trick is simple. Almost all SLR cameras and many Point and Shoot cameras have a feature called slow-sync flash. This uses both slow shutter speed and fires a flash. The result is trail of light is captured and the flash causes the main subject to remain in crisp exposure.
    To create the trailing light 'before' the main subject u should use the slow-sync in normal mode and to create trailing light 'after' the main subject (as in the example with the cellphone and my hand)there is another option called 'rear-curtain sync' which causes flash to fire just before shutter closes (the later option is probably not available in your Point and Shoot camera)
    Likewise to shoot portraits in night can also be achieved by slow-sync flash which keeps the background lighting condition as they are while providing a good sharp exposure for the main subject. Many camera give the function of Night Portrait explicitly.
    Trailing light,Cellphones light trail,Wonderful streak of lightNight Potrait,Moon on Background,Beautiful girl in moonlight

  • Using Bokeh wisely
    The Bokeh can be used to "Partially" blur the background instead of completely putting the background out of focus. This can be acheived by choosing a F-number a little higher than lowest available (which would put the background completely out of focus as in butterfly above)

    Puppets,Bokeh,Nepali Art,Bhaktapur,Handicraft

  • Don't stop shooting even when the conditions are adverse
    Just when you think it's unshootable you can get something as cool as this one.

    Fog Photography,Mist,Shooting in Mist,Nepal,Trees in Mist

  • Perspective
    sometimes changing the perspective has a dramatic effect on how the photo looks.Consider the following two pictures ( I KNOW THEY ARE NOT SO GOOD AS PHOTOGRAPHY ITSELF) While you're as likely to like the first as the second,I sure you're clear how changing the perspective can affect your photo. I like the first one as it also shows a large part of temple and the statue looks larger and more impressive in the first photo.


Thursday, July 29, 2010

Photography : Understanding the basics

I'll try to make this article as less technical as possible assuming you've little or no knowledge about all the stuffs like camera,lenses,focus,RAW OR JPEG blah blah blah...You need not worry..we'll deal with everything you need to know...about digital photography.
The Camera
We all know what camera is. Still it seems somewhat misleading to classify everything from a little hole behind your cellphone to long big things that looks more like a rocket launcher. What is it that makes a camera than? Let me tell u about the parts of the camera first,than I'll proceed to tell what makes a Rocket Launcher and a small hole different from each other.
The Sensor
The sensor is digital equivalent of the analogue reel or film. It does the same function ie to store the data of the image. We need to shine light on it to make it respond, Each color make a different impression on the sensor and hence a different photo.Like old films sensors also need to be post-processed to get the final picture ( it's done automatically by the camera on most occasions).It also has it's own equivalent of the analogue film-speed. Film speed is the sensitivity of film towards light. Higher film means greater sensitivity to light,that is, you can shoot at lower light conditions. ISO speed is the digital equivalent. At higher ISO speed you can shoot at higher shutter speed,smaller aperture ( you'll know about the shutter speed and aperture on the following section) or at lower light levels. Before you fall in love with high ISO speed let me tell you that the faster response to light comes at a price. The price you pay is the noise or grain in the image.You have decide for yourself what's important to you. I'll illustrate you the effect of ISO speed after the next section about the lens.
The Megapixels
There is always so much hype about the megapixels of the camera. What are these actually and are they so important? The answer is NO. Megapixels are simply HOW large the photo is, It tells nothing about the QUALITY of the image. Large megapixels allows us to have larger prints in paper. But we seldom use that option. So it's wise not to judge the camera by it's megapixel alone
The Lens
The lens is the eye of the camera. It sees the photo you're about to capture.In other words,it separates the photo from the rest of the surrounding and passes the light to the sensor which of course stores it. It tells the sensor what to store. The lens contains a lot of mechanisms to pass the correct information to the sensor. Let's see what are those
The Focal length
The focal length or the amount of zoom of your camera is the measure of how close the objects appear. Our eye is a lens with approximately 50 mm focal length. The larger focal length not only brings the objects closer they also determine how the objects appear in the photo. A illustration of changing focal length is shown in the illustration section below.
The Shutter Speed
The shutter speed is the time for which lens opens up, allowing light to fall on the sensor. As it may seem obvious to you,if we keep the lens open for a longer time more light will shine on the sensor producing a brighter image. Bright scenes require a very fast shutter speed whereas you need to keep the shutter open for longer time if you're shooting in dark.
The Aperture
We already dealt about two ways to control light in the sensor via ISO speed and Shutter Speed. But there is one more way to do so. By controlling how WIDELY the lens opens. If we open the lens wide open more light can shine on the sensor a small opening will cause less light to pass. The Aperture is measured in terms of F-number. Higher F-number means a small opening and larger F-number means a wide opening.The Aperture is,however,used for a more subtle reason than to control light. To control how many objects come to focus or the Depth of Field. Instead of explaining what Depth of Field is, i'd like to show you an example of it.
The ISO speed
ISO 3200,LightBulb,CFL,High ISO
ISO 3200: The Image is very noisy but a higher shutter speed could be used (1/50 in this case) This is a advantage is many situetions where we can freeze motions by using a higher shutter speeds even though the lightning condition is poor. eg concerts,carnivals etc...
ISO 100,LightBulb,CFL,Low ISO
ISO 100 : The image is Sharp and Crisp but the camera had to be held steady for about 1 seconds which is not so practical in many situations.
The Aperture/F- Number
GrassHopper,White Flower,Bokeh in Macro,Flower and insect bokeh
A large Aperture ( here F 5.6) causes blurry backgrounds as shown above. This is a important when shooting close objects (as this one) and potraits. This effect is also known as Bokeh effect.
GrassHopper,White Flower

A small Aperture (here F 32) causes more objects to come to focus. Notice how the plants in the background are also clear. This is important when shooting landscapes but in image like this it causes distraction from the main subject.
The Focal Length
Bridge,Focal Length,Nepal Bridges
Focal length of 24 mm (moderately wide-angle was used. Note how much of the background comes to frame,also note how far the houses in the background look with respect to main subject (here my friend keshav) and also from each other. you can than compare it with the image belowBridge,Focal Length,Nepal Bridges
The Focal length of 18 mm(wide-angle) was used. More of background comes to frame and houses look further away. The position of subject was kept same by moving closer to subject. Similar effect in videography is known as Dolly or Contra zooming technique.
The Cameraphones,Point n Shoot Compact Cameras and DSLRs. WHAT are they all about?
The camera behind your cameraphone is simplest and most useless among all the camera. They have smallest sensors with a fixed ISO speed, a low quality lens with a fixed focal length and no focusing mechanisms (except for some high-end phones) They also have a large shutter lag ( that is the time you have to wait before you can take another photo ) They,however, have the advantages of being portable and can come handy at times

All cameras with a fixed lens can be called as Point and shoot camera. In other words if you can neither completely spoil your photo nor get a good crispy photo NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO you're probably using one of the Point and Shoots. These are by far the most popularly used cameras. These are usually light,portable and fully automated for easy operation even for complete stranger to photography. Their price range starts from around 100 bucks to a high-end model of around 400 bucks. All of these cameras feature built in flash,Auto-mode with autofocus and live-view on LCD that is you can see what photo you're taking on your LCD screen.Most of them can record video with sound as wel. Some of the camera models come with a high-power zoom and manual mode of settings.Their sensors are small and VERY noisy even at a moderate ISO speed. Shutter lag is still the problem. Manual controls are very limited and do not work the way they should. They are compact and mostly come as a WHOLE, lenses and other accessories cannot be changed and upgraded.
In a nutshell, Point and shoot cameras are easy to use,portable and decent but don't quite have an edge the SLRs have.
  • Light,easy to carry and operate
  • Cheap
  • Can take decent photoes effortlessly
  • Can come with a high-power zoom at a VERY moderate price ( eg a 18-200 mm lens cost around 800$ whereas compact cameras with a 'equivalent' of 28-414 mm come at 350$)
  • Low quality sensors giving a low quality image
  • Poor performance at low light levels
  • Not Versatile
  • Limited manual Control
  • Slow to start and time between two consecutive photoes is large
The SLR cameras are the most-widely used type of camera by photographers and enthusiasts. These cost from around 450 $ to 8000$ for high end model. Even the starting level DSLRs have sensors that are around 25 times larger than the high-end Point ans Shoot cameras. The most important feature of the camera is probably the eye level viewing which allows the photographer to see THROUGH the lens in the viewfinder. YES !! the viewfinder. Even though high-end SLRs feature live-view. No good cameraman will ever use it. The cameras focusing mechanisms don't work well using the feature and the image u see on LCD is not the PHOTO that will appear on the sensor. The Viewfinder shows the EXACT photo that's gonna be stored in the sensor. The SLRs give a lot of freedom of changin the settings for shutter speed and aperture allowing you to take the any kind of photo you can imagine.The cameras are extremely versatile. you can change almost everything in the camera to suit your need. The photoes are incomparably sharper than those taken by Point and Shoots. If you're planning to be a photographer you'll sooner or later let go of the comfort of compact cameras and take one of these SLRs. Cannon (around 68%) and Nikkon (around 25%) hugely dominate the SLR market recently.
  • Superior image quality
  • Eye level viewing or viewing through the lens
  • Highly versatile
  • Freaking fast
  • Control over Depth of Field and Shutter speed
  • Good performance in low light
  • Expensive-Both cameras and accesories freak you out with their prices
  • Bulky and difficult to carry around
This is all for today. I hope it helped. I intend to write more chapters dealing with Focus, Digital and optical zoom, types of lenses , image formats (JPEG and RAW )and various Tips and techniques for photography.I must admit I've misled you in some matters here for simplicity.Visit Frequently for updates.